Grant Extension Request: Maintaining the Perl 5 Core (Tony Cook)

Category: (none)

Comments (2)

As the grant manager for Tony's recent grants, I will say his work is always detailed and professional. But, as the Perl 5 project manager, I can testify his work is of absolute critical value to the language and its accompanying programs and modules.

Tony doesn't only work on Perl 5 core changes such as bug fixes, but he is a core member of the Perl 5 Security list and handles numerous security issues - both in the language and in accompanying modules and programs.

His work was essential for some of our most complicated changes and it is always top notch.

I would like to see this grant approved.

I would like to endorse Tony for this grant, whilst also thanking him for his assistance with the diagnosis and fix (which already existed and was his work) for this rather tricky bug

Further to the above, sponsoring his attendance at major perl events would also be a worthwhile investment.

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