Volunteers needed for Perl dev room at FOSDEM (online)
Thu, 11-Nov-2021 by
Nic Evans
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FOSDEM will run online on 5-6 February 2022 and is [calling for participation](https://fosdem.org/2022/news/2021-11-02-devroom-cfp/). The Marketing Committee would like to run a Perl dev room (basically a talk track), but need volunteers and speakers to assist.
Talks need to be prerecorded and uploaded prior to the conference, which are then streamed to participants with Q&A after each.
Before we request the room from FOSDEM and call for speakers, we need volunteers to assist with both organizing and supporting speakers.
We need 2-3 people who can meet regularly and spend time planning it, encouraging calls for papers, helping speakers record their talks as needed, supporting the management of our dev room on the day, including the collation of recordings etc.
If you can commit to support, we can submit a proposal for dev room (deadline is 23:59 UTC, Monday 15 November).
Please contact nic@perlfoundation.org by 12 noon UTC, Monday 15 November if you can help.
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