Sun, 20-Sep-2020 by Matthias Bloch edit post
(This report covers 3 months) I picked up some enthusiasm in August and fixed assorted bugs and crossed various little items off my TODO list. Jun 1:56 process p5p mailbox 4:20 review tickets 0:44 work out why index("abc") is faster than /abc/ Jul 3:45 process p5p mailbox Aug 2:50 Cfails to sort 2:27 GH #17816 5:12 better document, generate_uudmap 0:26 fix some arith benchmarks 0:30 fixup Deparse failures 0:38 memory leak in t/re/pat.t 1:24 misc src sweaks 5:06 performance regression with floating point arithmetic 7:28 process p5p mailbox 36:46 TOTAL (HH::MM) 359.1 weeks 3523.2 total hours 9.8 average hours per week There are 43 hours left on the grant
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