The CAT’s purpose is to foster a positive and safe environment for anyone who shares an interest in Perl and Raku.
It has been one year since the Community Affairs Team was first announced in March of 2020. In June, the Perl & Raku Conference in the Cloud took place. This was the first conference where Community Affairs Moderators were present to respond to and handle Standards of Conduct violations. Prior to the conference, Community Affairs Moderators and the CAT committee for the event received training on handling and responding to SoC complaints within the community. A month later in July, the Chair of the CAT was appointed by the TPF board. In October, the first Standards of Conduct transparency report was released.
Following that, the CAT has been working on a charter document which outlines in more concrete terms its role and responsibilities as it relates to the community, as well as an updated Standards of Conduct which would apply not just to conferences, but to other TPF online spaces. Recent events in the community have expedited the CAT’s work and the board’s approval of these documents, which are planned to be publicly released within the next week.
The CAT is also preparing for the upcoming Perl & Raku Conference in the Cloud, and training similar that received in 2020 is planned for the moderators and CAT committee for this event. The CAT thanks the many people who provided their input to the formation of the CAT, and Samantha McVey, Stuart Mackintosh, and Ricardo Signes for continuing their work on the CAT committee as well as their work on the CAT committee during last year’s conference.
The Community Affairs Team is committed to a safe environment, at conferences and physical events as well as online between members of the Perl and Raku community. If you have comments regarding this update you can send them to with the word “comment” in the subject.
Is the membership of the CAT a secret? The only information I can find is that Samantha McVey is leading the team.