Published on behalf of TPF Board.
(Dr. Ann Barcomb)[] of the University of Calgary is conducting research to understand episodic, or occasional, participation in the Perl and Raku communities, in collaboration with The Perl Foundation. The results of the research will be provided as a TPF report and will assist the community in improving practices for managing episodic participation to provide insights into what free / libre / open source software projects could do to become more sustainable.
If you would like to take part in this study, click here to access the survey. Based on pilot testing, this survey is expected to take about 15 minutes to complete (there are 41 questions in this survey). Participation in this study is anonymous. By completing the survey, you are agreeing to have your responses included in the study.
We thank Ann for selecting our communities as the subject of this research. We expect that this work will be beneficial to our communities as well as others. And we thank you in advance for contributing to this research. Your input is much appreciated.
The University of Calgary Conjoint Faculties Research Ethics Board has approved this study (REB20-2135).