Ricardo Signes
[hidden email]
This grant is for the completion of design and implementation of basic versions of three pieces of software currently under development:
All three modules exist and have been in use by a number of people for some time. The main thrust of the grant is to improve the usability and reliability of Pod::Weaver. Pod::Weaver is one of the key components of Dist::Zilla. D::Z was presented to good response at the Pittsburgh Perl Workshop in 2008.
Pod::Elemental and Pod::Weaver provide very powerful tools for POD manipulation. They're designed to be easy to understand and extend, and should make it much easier to write POD-reading and POD-munging tools.
The flagship example of such a tool, right now, is Dist::Zilla's Pod::Weaver
plugin. When writing a distribution that is will be munged by Pod::Weaver, the
author needn't write any POD save for that which actually documents his code.
This means no writing (or updating) of the LICENSE section, the NAME, the
VERSION, or the COPYRIGHT. Sections like METHODS or FUNCTIONS are built
automatically from =method
commands. If the author decides he'd like to
radically change how he lays out his POD, this can be done by reconfiguring the
weaver, since the documentation itself doesn't have to change. The next time
the dist is built, everything is new.
This is summarized in this SlideShare presentation:
I've been told by several people that "without Dist::Zilla, I would not have released [my distribution] to the CPAN." Dist::Zilla makes it much easier to release code, because it removes a lot of the boring overhead of building a dist.
While my goal for this grant is to advance the state of Dist::Zilla, Pod::Weaver has always been meant for operation as a standalone library. It will be useful for anyone who wants to do work rewriting or maintaining POD documents, as will Pod::Elemental, which provides a much simpler interface to POD documents than Pod::Simple (at the cost of some specific features).
Pod::Elemental::Nester and Pod::Elemental::Document will be completed, documented, and tested.
Pod::Weaver will be updated to munge Pod::Elemental::Documents instead of queues of Pod::Elemental::Elements. It will be able to rewrite documents without clobbering order. It will be documented and support external configuration.
Dist::Zilla will integrate the new Pod::Weaver configuration to allow Dist::Zilla::Plugin::PodWeaver to provide all the power of Pod::Weaver.
Pod::Elemental is a library for handling POD documents (like this grant application) as trees of elements. This is not an entirely straightforward operation, as POD is primarily event-based and most of its notions of containers or trees are assumed or implicit, rather than well defined.
Pod::Elemental is built atop Pod::Eventual, which handles reading the POD events. Pod::Elemental already exists and is in use, but requires work to correct design problems in the Nester and Document components, which convert event streams to nested trees in two distinct ways.
Pod::Weaver is a framework for rewriting POD trees. For example, it can be
configured to find all =method
trees and collect and rewrite them into
events under a =head1 METHOD
heading. Weavers make it very easy
to turn a document that contains only a few, nonstandard events into a
perfectly normal looking POD document, fleshed out with all the boilerplate the
most translators (and readers) would expect.
In addition to being blocked by Pod::Elemental's design needs, Pod::Weaver needs a few of its planned Weaver plugins implemented before it can be safely used on many POD trees. Among these, it needs plugins that focus on leaving unknown content in place relative to rewritten content.
Both of the above libraries were written to support Dist::Zilla, a distribution
construction kit that replaces not h2xs and Module::Starter, but rather
make dist
. Among other things, it can be configured to add boilerplate POD
and translate minimal custom POD into verbose standard POD.
The Pod::Weaver plugin for Dist::Zilla will need some minor tweaks to take advantage of the configurability of the new Pod::Weaver code to be written.
These are more obnoxious than they sound, as they will require, at least, rewriting all the existing Weavers to not assume they work linearly.
This can hopefully be cribbed from Dist::Zilla's config code.
This is to allow things like Pod::WikiDoc to apply to portions of a POD document before weaving occurs.
I predict the project will take between four and eight weekends of hard work, plus some random work here and there when I have to dump ideas that strike me in the shower. This may go up or down, based on luck, setbacks, or moments of Satori, but I find it hard to imagine reaching a point where I would abandon or massively delay this work.
I write Perl code to pay my bills, and that's what I've been doing for almost ten years now. I have released a lot of code to the CPAN, and I've taken over maintenance of almost as much. Well over 2,000 distributions that I didn't write declare dependencies on my code, either directly or indirectly.
I wrote Dist::Zilla and Pod::Weaver because of the number of CPAN distributions (and contained POD documents) that I maintain, and have worked to make it possible for the lessons that I've learned to benefit those who haven't yet gotten to painful levels of code maintenance, so that the CPAN can continue to be the easiest way to reliably distribute open source code.
Commentary on the previous listing for this proposal is at http://news.perlfoundation.org/2009/02/2009q1_grant_proposal_pod_mang.html