1001 - 1020 of 1652 posts:

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  • YAPC::NA::2014 Call for Location Mon, 11-Feb-2013 by Heath Bair

    We need people excited about Perl and want YAPC to come to their City. Forget the Mississippi rule lets go all across America! Please have a prepared bid with location and simple budget emailed to me by May 15th, 2013! So get your ideas and plans together and lets get YAPC::NA::2014 planned. #yapc #yapcna #yapc-2014

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  • 2013Q1 Grant Proposals Mon, 11-Feb-2013 by Alberto Simões

    As chair of the Grants Committee I am sorry to inform that this committee did not receive any grant proposal to be funded in this quarter. This is the second, consecutive, quarter without grant proposals.

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  • Perl 5 Grant Application: Travel to QA Hackathon Tue, 05-Feb-2013 by Karen Pauley

    We have received the following Perl 5 grant application from Ricardo Signes. Before we vote on this proposal we would like to have a period of community consultation that will last seven days. Please leave feedback in the comments or if you prefer send email with your comments to karen at perlfoundation.org. Name Ricardo Signes Project Title Perl QA Hackathon 2013 Amount Requested: $1200 Synopsis This grant will be used

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  • Grant Extension Request - Improving Perl 5 Tue, 05-Feb-2013 by Karen Pauley

    Dr. Nicholas Clark has requested an extension of $20,000 for his "Improving Perl 5 grant":http://news.perlfoundation.org/2011/08/grant-proposal-improving-perl.html. This grant started in September 2011 and is on track to finish successfully in February 2013. The requested extension would allow Nicholas to devote another 400 hours to the project. The funds for this extension would come from the "Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund":http://www.perlfoundation.org/perl_5_core_maintenance_fund. As well as weekly reports posted on the p5p mailing list

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  • Alien::Base Grant - Report #8 Wed, 30-Jan-2013 by Makoto Nozaki

    From the grant manager: This project is in a phase where a bit of help from the community is required. Get in touch with Joel if you are able to help him with his problem. Joel Berger wrote: After a busy Christmas season and being engrossed in my upcoming thesis defense I have found it hard to find too much time to focus on Perl projects. Still Alien::Base has been

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  • 25 Years On: The Perl Community Mon, 28-Jan-2013 by Yaakov Sloman

    Twenty-five years ago, Larry Wall conceived of a way to make his work a little bit easier by combining the UNIX tools he found most useful into something more like a general purpose programming language than the various shells available to him. This modest act started the chain of events that lead Perl to be one of the longest-standing F/OSS projects we have today. An unavoidable side effect of this

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  • Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund Status Sat, 19-Jan-2013 by Dan Wright

    To date, the P5CMF has been used to pay out $130,733 in grants for the improvement of Perl 5. We have allocated $35,610 towards additional grant work not yet completed. There remains $116,643 in unallocated grant funds. For full financial details regarding the P5CMF, please visit this "Google Doc":https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0AkU6pBm3WGeedGlqV1d0OXFVaG8yVTVDRFI5c0hLOHc&output=html. For information regarding the Perl 5 Core Maintenance Fund, including how it is administered and how to apply for a grant,

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Months 33 & 34 Tue, 15-Jan-2013 by Karen Pauley

    Dave Mitchell writes: The first part of November was spent finishing off the PADRANGE optimisation and merging it into blead. Here's the commit message. After it, I'll discuss timings. bq. add PADRANGE op and $B::overlay bq. This commit implements three optimisations and one new feature. bq. The new feature is $B::overlay, which can be set to a hash ref, indexed by op address, that allows you to override the values

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 15 Mon, 14-Jan-2013 by Karen Pauley

    Nicholas Clark writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the December period. A frustrating month. Having completed the investigation into the state of hashing described in November's report, and becoming comfortable that it wasn't likely to explode without warning, I turned to dealing with the backlog of everything else. Given that I've only been able to do about 2 weeks' work in the past 2 months,

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  • 2013Q1 Call for Grant Proposals Fri, 04-Jan-2013 by Alberto Simões

    The Perl Foundation is looking at giving some grants ranging from $500 to $2000 in March 2013. You don't have to have a large, complex, or lengthy project. You don't even have to be a Perl master or guru. If you have a good idea and the means and ability to accomplish it, we want to hear from you! Do you have something that could benefit the Perl community but

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  • Spanish Localization of the Perl Core Documentation - Grant Report #6 Thu, 03-Jan-2013 by Alan Haggai Alavi

    Enrique Nell and Joaquin Ferrero reported: Project status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkmrG_9Q4x15dC1MNWloU0lyUjhGa2NrdTVTOG5WZVE CPAN distribution: http://search.cpan.org/dist/POD2-ES/ Project host: https://github.com/zipf/perldoc-es If we hadn't lost so much time building a nuclear shelter in the backyard, our final report would have been ready by Christmas time... We still can't believe the Mayan prophecy was wrong!! This is our last monthly grant report. It also includes a summary of the tasks completed during this 6-month period. New files

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  • 2012 Year End Report Tue, 01-Jan-2013 by Dan Wright

    The Perl Foundation is proud to present this report to it's members. 2012 was a spectacular year for Perl and The Perl Foundation. TPF has supported the community via grants programs, conferences, and new outreach efforts. The community has, in turn, supported TPF through their generous donations of time and money. We look forward to continuing our support as we begin Perl's next 25 years. 2012 Year End Report

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  • The First Twenty-Five Years Tue, 18-Dec-2012 by mdk

    Introduction Opening Remarks Being asked to write a piece celebrating the twenty-fifth anniversary, in essence a Silver Celebration, since the first release of the Perl Programming language was both a joy and a terror. Where would I start, what would I include, what approach should I take? It is a significant prospect as the sheer depth of history can only be matched by the breadth of influence that Perl has

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  • Adding tests to and refactoring the perl debugger - Grant Conclusion Report Mon, 10-Dec-2012 by Alan Haggai Alavi

    Grant Conclusion Report Shlomi Fish has sent a Grant Conclusion Report: This is a final report of my grant of improving the Perl built-in debugger lib/perl5db.pl and tests in lib/perl5db.t>, by adding more tests and refactoring it. The grant was completed mostly successfully, after the number of test assertions in lib/perl5db.t was increased to 108, and the debugger's core code has been made more modular and elegant. The reason it

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  • Improving Perl 5: Grant Report for Month 14 Tue, 04-Dec-2012 by Karen Pauley

    Nicholas Clark writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the November period. There was no report for October, as I wasn't able to do any work, due to an unforseen bureaucratic trip hazard. An "interesting" surprise emerged as a side effect of moving. It turned out that I need some paperwork to comply with something about three levels of prerequisites back from what I actually need

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  • Grant Report: Implementation of Macros in Rakudo Sun, 02-Dec-2012 by Karen Pauley

    Carl Mäsak writes: This is a report on the progress that I have made with my current Hague Grant, Implementation of macros in Rakudo. We're now at the halfway point of the grant, and Rakudo has an early, working implementation of macros. Here is the status of the deliverables identified in the original report: **D1. Completed. In Rakudo, you can now declare macros just like you declare ordinary subroutines. There's

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  • Alien::Base Grant - Report #7 Fri, 30-Nov-2012 by Makoto Nozaki

    Joel Berger wrote: This month featured lots of work in the latter parts of Alien::Base. These improve library detection logic, pkg-config functionality and packlist support. I was especially pleased to get a bug report filed by bpo regular Toby Inkster. He is writing a provisional Alien::LibXML based on Alien::Base. He noticed some odd behaviors that we are still trying to work out. This feedback led to more improvements than just

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  • Fixing Perl5 Core Bugs: Report for Month 32 Mon, 26-Nov-2012 by Karen Pauley

    Dave Mitchell writes: As per my grant conditions, here is a report for the October period. Last month was mostly spent continuing to work on the PADRANGE optimisation. The work is actually complete now, but was finished after the end of this report's scope, so will be covered in more detail in next month's report. Apart from working the PADRANGE optimisation itself, the work triggered some other pieces of work,

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  • Adding tests to and refactoring the perl debugger - Grant Report #5 Fri, 23-Nov-2012 by Alan Haggai Alavi

    Shlomi Fish reported: This report will be less formal and detailed than the other reports, because I have neglected to write the changes I did every day as I went. I continued to refactor lib/perl5db.pl a€™s code, this time doing more random stuff of noticing code with code smells https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_smell and changing it. I also contacted Ricardo Signes a few times about merging my branch into bleadperl and he eventually

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  • Spanish Localization of the Perl Core Documentation - Grant Report #5 Fri, 16-Nov-2012 by Alan Haggai Alavi

    Enrique Nell and Joaquin Ferrero reported: Project status: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AkmrG_9Q4x15dC1MNWloU0lyUjhGa2NrdTVTOG5WZVE CPAN distribution: http://search.cpan.org/dist/POD2-ES/ Project host: https://github.com/zipf/perldoc-es After a brief interlude, we have resumed our reporting activity. A careful analysis of our report date slip trend shows strong evidence that our final report might be ready at Christmas time. During this month we updated to v5.16.2 and finally completed the translation of perlglossary.pod. The members of the team fully agree on the

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