Perl Foundation board member, conference organizer and Perl oldbie Nat Torkington is interviewed in this article from Linux Format ... read more |
The Chicago Hackathon is excited to have Krugle part of the proceedings. Krugle is a search engine for source code, projects, and technical information across the web, and they want your feedback. The Krugle team wants to hear from Perl programmers about how Krugle can be more useful to the Perl community. On Saturday, Krugle will be hosting a demo of Krugle, as well as feeding us pizza. ... read more |
Mark Stosberg wrote a great article on perlmonks called "Take Back Your Modules" about the responsibilities module users have for the modules they use. ... read more |
Pat Eyler pointed me to his interview with Kevin Tew of the Cardinal project Cardinal is Ruby running on the Parrot virtual machine. ... read more |
John Wang has a great blog entry titled Perl 5 Powering Web 2.0 that points at all the web apps out there that are done in good ol' Perl 5. You don't have to have Rails to do amazing things with the web. You want frameworks, we got frameworks! ... read more |
The Chicago Perl Mongers and The Perl Foundation are proud to announce the Fall 2006 Chicago Hackathon, the weekend of November 10-12, 2006 in suburban Crystal Lake, IL. It will be a round-the-clock weekend of programming on Perl-related projects with your colleagues in the open source community. Dozens of programmers from the open source community in the midwest, as well as others from around the US, will be getting together ... read more |
Over the past several years, one key aspect of the migration plan to Perl 6 has been the Ponie project, a fusion of the Perl 5 runtime with Parrot. Sponsored by Fotango, Artur Bergman and Nicholas Clark did a heroic job cleaning up Perl's internals to make it possible to replace some components of Perl 5 with Parrot, one piece at a time, while still keeping the core of the ... read more |
There are only two weeks left until YAPC::NA 2006 begins at the Illinois Institute of Technology in Chicago. The schedule includes great subject tracks, including Perl 6 Parrot and Web Frameworks YAPC::NA 2006 also includes keynotes by Larry Wall and Damian Conway Registration is still open and costs only $100. In addition, three additional courses taught by Damian Conway, Randal Schwartz and brian d foy are available following YAPC::NA 2006 ... read more |
Josh McAdams and Pete Krawczyk have just released the YAPC::NA 2006 schedule on the conference website. This year there will be four rooms of talks going on for the three days of the conference. We are lucky enough to have both Larry Wall and Damian Conway giving keynote addresses. Of course, there will be a lot of Perl 6, Pugs, and Parrot talks, was well as the usual barrage of ... read more |
Something I think we can all do in the Perl community is help spread the knowledge of how to use this marvelous tool. There are so many layers to the onion, and some people may only know about the outermost layer. The other day I saw an entry in Erica Sadun's blog where she'd hacked together a quick Perl program for some user interaction that then generates URLs and fires ... read more |
The Pittsburgh Perl Mongers are pleased to announce The PITTSBURGH PERL WORKSHOP a one-day, low-cost conference on Saturday, September 23, 2006. This year's theme is "Perl at Work." The Pittsburgh Perl Workshop is modeled after the highly successful Perl workshops held in Europe over the last several years. The day is designed to provide you with a comfortable, exciting, and enjoyable learning experience. The Workshop ... read more |
A recent thread in the mailing list got people saying that they wanted to donate some time to The Perl Foundation, but didn't know where their efforts could be used. Here are two places to start: Jim Brandt, who organized YAPC::NA 2004 in Buffalo, is looking for volunteers to help with a Perl-based conference system. See his TPF blog post for details I'm looking for someone to write up ... read more |
Ponie is the project name for Perl 5.12, a bridge between Perl 5 and Perl 6. Ponie will bring Perl 5 to Parrot, the virtual machine at the heart of Perl 6. A project of this size and complexity takes plenty of talent, and plenty of support, to complete. The first phase of the project has come to an end, and a new one is beginning. In July of 2003, ... read more |
The Perl community has released a fix to the sprintf function that was recently discovered to have a buffer overflow in very specific cases. All Perl users should consider updating immediately. Dyad Security recently released a security advisory explaining how in certain cases, a carefully crafted format string passed to sprintf can cause a buffer overflow. This buffer overflow can then be used by an attacker to execute code on ... read more |
The Perl community has updated the core module Sys::Syslog to help alleviate a security hole in the Webmin web administration package. All Webmin users should update immediately to the updated version of Sys::Syslog. Dyad Security released a security advisory explaining how arbitrary, untrusted data can get passed by Webmin into Perl's Sys::Syslog module as a sprintf format string. This allows an attack to create arbitrarily large strings, overwhelming server resources ... read more |
The Perl Foundation was established in December 2001, but is a mystery to many people. Today we announce The Perl Foundation Blog at Atom and RSS Perl Foundation News is the place to read updates on what members of the Foundation's working groups are working on and for other project-related announcements. Where before a working group member might post an update to his use.perl journal, or a meditation on ... read more |