Fri, 09-Aug-2019 by Matthias Bloch edit post
The main thing I did last month was shrinking the size of the opslot structure, which wraps each op when using slabs (which is most of the time). On 64-bit platforms this saves 8 bytes per allocated op. This work will be pushed shortly. SUMMARY: 3:43 RT #134275 SEGV (sv.c:16672:7) in S_find_uninit_var 0:30 RT #134281 heap-buffer-overflow in S_variant_under_utf8_count 2:30 look at failures under Asan: dist/threads-shared/t/clone.t 0:30 look at failures under Asan: ext/PerlIO-encoding/t/encoding.t 1:00 review security tickets 15:43 shrink opslot structure ------ 23:56 TOTAL (HH::MM) 302.4 weeks 3387.6 total hours 11.2 average hours per week There are 78 hours left on the grant
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