Thu, 08-Feb-2018 by Makoto Nozaki edit post
The hours that I have worked in 2018-01 pursuant to my TPF core maintenance grant are as follows. 9h33m review mail 5h31m review tickets 2h40m [perl #132671] Bleadperl v5.27.6-206-g16ada235c3 breaks JGAMBLE/Algorithm-QuineMcCluskey-0.16.tar.gz 2h14m [perl #8910] Subroutine doesn't create elements. 1h57m [perl #132648] Cwd: different return values between pure perl and XS variants 1h47m [perl #132695] BBC Catalyst tests broken by abda9fe0fe75ae824723761c1c98af958f17a41c 1h32m [perl #47602] floating-point binary-decimal conversion bugs 1h01m [perl #132727] BBC Class::MethodMaker broken by 6661956a23de82b41adc406200054293d6d7aded 53m [perl #132425] Suggested warning on attempt to 'use' with arguments when no import() subroutine exists 52m create tickets 49m [perl #30123] foreach ("", "a".."zzzzzz") confuses range optimizer 48m [perl #8045] Hash keys are not always parsed as strings if the arrow is omitted 29m [perl #16113] open on localized *F pb 29m [perl #132788] Blead Breaks CPAN: LEMBARK/Object-Trampoline-1.42.tar.gz 28m perldebguts 25m [perl #132775] Blead Breaks CPAN: SMUELLER/Math-Clipper-1.23.tar.gz 21m Darwin mkostemp() misconfiguration 21m [perl #18581] memory leak: if($foo++){} and = overloading 10m [perl #54412] Mistake in perlipc doc, perl 5.10.0 9m [perl #132100] [PATCH] missing newline after "Unable to flush stdout: ..." 9m perldelta 8m [perl #132777] Blead Breaks CPAN: GRAY/POSIX-RT-Spawn-0.11.tar.gz 7m review commits 32h53m TOTAL At the end of the month there was 71h19m of authorised working time remaining in this grant.
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