In this issue:
Arrival Dinner - Sunday June 18
Arrangements have been made with Zikrayet Restaurant and Lounge to host a large crowd for The Perl Conference Arrival Dinner.
Given the nature of the place, it will be possible to make this event more of a come and hang out destination than we've been able to have in past years. Just the same we have an official time of 6pm set for the dinner so everyone can have a common plan for arrival.
This is an arrivals dinner but not necessarily the arrivals dinner. It's also a tradition that others who prefer smaller crowds and/or a more vegan-friendly menu organize an Alt Arrival Dinner.
For more information, or to note your intended attendance, please visit:
For more information on the Alt Arrival Dinner:
Tuesday Night Social This year we are continuing the very successful event established in Orlando last year, instead of the big banquet of years before. We will still be having a social at 6 pm with appetizers and drinks. After a long day of following your favorite track come say hello to friends from far and near over a glass of wine or a pint of beer!
Tutorials There’s still time to sign up! Some tutorials have very limited space, so sign up today! If you’ve already purchased your Conference pass, you can still add tutorials by logging in and making a separate purchase. The available tutorials are:
Call for Speakers: Lightning Talks
This year there are THREE sessions of lightning talks! Each will have about 10 Lightning Talks of 5 minutes each.
These Lightning Talks may be serious, funny, or both. They may be given by experienced speakers already giving full length talks or by first time speakers just starting out (this is a great way to get started if you have something to say). If you are a first time speaker you will win a tie with an experience speaker when the schedule is made if it comes to it. Today's first time speaker could be tomorrow's keynote speaker.
In addition to the five minute Lightning Talks where you get to use your computer, slides, and any other tool, we will also have some Lightning Advertisements. These are only 30 seconds, you don't have to submit a proposal, you don't get any slides, and the only AV assistance offered is a microphone. If you have a BOF to announce or any other short message you can use the transition time that would be otherwise wasted between Lightning Talks to share your message. Just show up before we start and take a seat in the assigned seats in the front of the room.
Submit your talk here:
Call for Volunteers Volunteer Registration Form Here:
Setup / Cleanup Crew On Sunday, we will need volunteers to assist with unboxing materials, placing signs, setting up AV equipment, preparing registration area, and working to make the area aesthetically pleasing. There will be a lot of odd jobs that need to be done.
On Thursday and Friday, we will need to go through everything that is left over, box it, and ship it out.
Room Moderator The Moderator will be assigned a room for the day (only during breakout sessions). Their responsibility is to introduce each speaker prior to their talk. They work with the Videographer to ensure talks do not start until the videography team is ready to record. They also ensure that their room keeps to the schedule, cuing the speaker to end their talk as necessary. They will provide any special announcements between talks as instructed by the organizer staff.
Videographer Each room will have a Videographer, who reports to the Videography Team leader. They are responsible for recording the talks in their assigned room (except where the speaker has opted-out of being recorded).
Assistant Videographer Performs tasks as assigned by the videographer. Acts as a runner if something is needed in the room.
Registration Desk Assists people with checking in. Serves as an information desk attendant. Assists attendees with retail purchases.