Mon, 09-Jan-2017 by Makoto Nozaki edit post
I spent last the last two months: * reworking list assignment (especially with an aggregate on the LHS) to be much faster in many cases. For example, this code is 33% faster in 5.25.7 compared with 5.24.0: my @a; for my $i (1..10_000_000) { @a = (1,2,3); @a = (); } * trying to reduce the overhead of compile time a bit; * freeing up some uses of SV flags; * fixing various assorted bugs as listed below; SUMMARY: 59:16 [perl #127999] Slowdown in split + list assign 8:28 [perl #129140] attempting double-free Perl_safesysfree util.c:388 0:23 [perl #129771] %+ not scoped properly 0:16 [perl #129802] Regexp performance problem with swiped strings (?) 1:13 [perl #129821] Bleadperl v5.25.5-65-g5012eeb breaks JJORE/Devel-OptreeDiff-2.3.tar.gz 3:01 [perl #129825] Overloaded integer constants are prematurely deallocated 0:34 [perl #129950] Some UTF-8 regular expression matches fail when read from file 0:10 [perl #129954] dist/Carp/t/arg_string.t: Test fails in blead 3:51 [perl #129991] Assertion failure in S_aassign_copy_common 7:23 [perl #129996] BBC Devel-SearchINC 4:01 [perl #129997] heap-use-after-free sv_catpvn_flags() within Perl_do_vop 8:44 [perl #130132] Bleadperl breaks Date-Manip 1:27 [perl #130188] crash on return from substitution in subroutine 8:00 eliminate some ugly SV flag usages 1:00 fix build warnings and smoke failures 2:30 miscellaneous fixups 2:09 optimise undef assignment 13:36 performance of keywords.c 7:33 process p5p mailbox 1:00 review security tickets 1:40 split to an array creating RO elements ------ 136:15 TOTAL (HH::MM) 163.4 weeks 2243.6 total hours 13.7 average hours per week There are 156 hours left on the grant*Note: This report was sent in December and signed off by Marcus Holland-Moritz on Jan 6th.*
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