Dave Mitchell writes:
I spent December: 1) looking for quick some wins on speeding up perl compile-time, using 'perl -MCPAN -e1' as a typical example of loading and compiling several .pm files. I tweaked Perl_yyparse() and shaved ~2% off the compile time; then tweaked Perl_sv_gets() and shaved another ~2% off, and also got a pleasing run-time boost for line reading, with reading a big list of words now ~8% faster on my system: perl -e'$i++ while (<>)' /usr/share/dict/words 2) investigating possible ways of making the regex engine faster by (in some cases) processing 8 bytes at a time on 64-bit platforms. This culminated in an this email thread: http://nntp.perl.org/group/perl.perl5.porters/241891 3) as usual, working on a few miscellaneous tickets. SUMMARY: 1:30 RT #130385 Bleadperl breaks DNS-LDNS 1:00 RT #130385 Bleadperl breaks List-Pairwise 1:00 RT #130398 Bleadperl breaks Method-Signatures 4:26 [perl #129199] Difficult-to-trigger panic 1:01 [perl #130247] Perl_rpeep(OP *): Assertion `oldop' failed 0:55 [perl #130307] Bug: Regex matches when it shouldn't 0:33 [perl #130311] heap-buffer-overflow Perl_yyparse 0:55 fix build warnings and smoke failures 1:40 fix some CPAN modules under PERL_OP_PARENT 19:00 investigate making find_by_class faster() 2:37 optimise Perl_sv_gets() 4:45 optimise Perl_yyparse() 12:20 process p5p mailbox 3:22 review RT tickets 3:04 review security tickets ------ 58:08 TOTAL (HH::MM) 170.1 weeks 2338.8 total hours 13.7 average hours per week There are 61 hours left on the grant