Class Title
Names of Speakers
Speaker Biography
Class Description, including:
the course's length
the intended audience
any prerequisites or expected level of knowledge
any supplies you will be providing to students
any supplies you expect students to bring
a short course outline
maximum class size
The dates on which you would be willing to give your course (June 19th, 23rd, or 24th)
A list of requirements for the venue (A/V, Internet, etc.)
Cost of the Class, per student (please keep in mind YAPC will also need to add an administrative fee to this initial cost)
Please bear in mind that it is our goal to keep the cost of these classes down for students as this is a low cost conference.
Is there a dead line for submitting these proposals?
Do you have a planned date when you make the accepted courses public?
Could you give us a hint regarding the administrative costs and costs? Does that include the cost of the rooms?
Could you tell us the possibilities (and costs) of providing refreshment for the classes?
It's best to direct your questions to
Our target date to publish accepted classes is March 1st.
Admin costs do include the cost of the room, AV rentals, and refreshments. Last year, the admin cost was $75. We expect it to be about that much this year as well.
AM and PM refreshments are provided for Master Classes. Lunch is not provided.