Grant Application: Improving Devel::Cover

Category: Grants

Comments (15)

For what it's worth, I heartily endorse this grant proposal.

He's maintained it for over 10 years and it just works. I say pay the man to improve it.

Can't think of any reason for not supporting this application.

Devel::Cover is an important part of the Perl ecosystem. Modifying it to match enhancements to Perl itself and to improve coverage areas can only benefit us all.

+1 from me.

Yes, Yes, Yes.

Devel::Cover is now almost a mandatory, inseparable tool in a Perl developer's toolkit.

Paul Johnson has written Devel::Cover and so has the most intimate understanding of it. He has put a lot of work recently to modernize it and bring it up to par with distribution and code standards that the community has evolved. He's an integral part of the Perl community and therefore understands all of these new standards.

I fully support this grant!


I agree that Devel::Cover is an important tool that gets more important the bigger a project gets. It is therefore necessary for code coverage to be able to keep up as Perl evolves.

Having met Paul at several conferences and hackathons, I'm confident that this is money well spent.

I therefore fully endorse this grant.

I agree - it's important to have this module maintained and developed further. Paul Johnson has put in a lot of work over the years and if he need a grant to take it to the next level I think that's really worth it.

Very good use for that money!


Devel::Cover is one of those tools that makes perl great and is worth every penny of support

I am all for it. Devel::Cover is an invaluable tool and investing to improve it is a great usage of grant money. Paul Johnson has done an outstanding job on the module and he is quite obviously the best person to work on it.

This is a very important project that has now become a standard in many developers tool chains. Though not Perl Core it is synonymous with Perl QA and Perl 5. I think it is important that the tpf shows a vested interest in pushing this important work to the next level.

It would be a real privilege to secure some time from Paul who is very well respected in the community as a project leader, organiser (GCi and GSoC) and programmer.

Needless to say the chance to shout how great it is having three respected programmers improving Perl 5 hasn't passed me by either.

I have no overview in the available budget which is left for Dave and Nick and I'd hate to see doing Nick and Dave doing less work for the 20.000 needed here.
But if this is no problem, I of course loved to see Devel::Cover to support newer dynamic syntax extensions (old-style and new-style) and 20.000 seems to be worth it.


I definitely support this.

Even moderate improvements would be helpful; a strong development effort and significant upgrades would make a huge difference to our ability to take advantage of Devel::Cover to improve our code and reduce the number of bugs that our users end up seeing.

I support this grant. Devel::Cover is an excellent tool and it isn't keeping up with the more dynamic nature of perl syntax. I'd like to see bugs closed and new syntax extensions supported before other features are considered.

Paul has a good track record supporting Devel::Cover on a very minimal, part-time basis and a focused effort on his part should lead to greater benefits.

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