Sun, 14-Mar-2010 by Alberto Simões edit post
While TPF grant program has as its main goal the motivation of Perl users to perform new and challenging projects for the Perl Community, sometimes it fails. Fortunately it doesn't happen with all grantees and all the time.
This time I am closing two grants from Vadim Konovalov: Tcl/Tk Access in Rakudo and Perl Cross-Compilation for WinCE and Linux. We, at TPF, know that Vadim did some work on both grants (mostly on the first), but the grants were accepted in September 2008 and Vadim stopped answering emails and giving feedback a lot of time ago.
We hope Vadim will continue his work whenever he has the motivation and the time, but TPF can't keep the grant open more time.
[ 725 ] | Sat, 27-Mar-2010 by leontimmermans
I can't say I'm really surprised by this, There wasn't a single period of time where I saw regular progress reports from him, in fact a quick search of mine only showed one.
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