Peter Odigie.
Where we can contact you!
[hidden email]
How much is your project worth? $2500
A short description.
A survey to capture the awareness and use of perl by IT workers (systems and network administrators, programmers, database administrators, Telecoms Engineers, etc) in the Nigerian public and private sector.
Why should the Perl Community grant this project?
Nigeria is the biggest country in Africa with a lot of business opportunities. What happens in Nigeria affects other African countries. A Nigerian perl community does not exist or put in another way, few people tend to use perl in Nigeria. This shows itself by the general attitude and conception of perl as a complicated tool, one gets from fellows in the IT industry. With this survey an objective path into the why of such attitude and conception by Nigerian IT fellows will enable the perl community to do a self examination and grow, giving room for innovations in the perl language.
. statistical analysis for the Perl survey data . A written report . An insight into the Nigerian community's attitudes towards the Perl language. . A framework with which to assess people external to the community's attitude to Perl. . The dataset
A more detailed description.
If you aren't the primary maintainer of the project you want funding for, show that you have approval from the primary maintainer.
Stage 1 Questionnaire Design: a review of similar works done before (none known for Nigeria) and a study of literature in order to come up with the best kind of questions to capture attitudes. Stage 2 Questionnaire Administration: the quesionnaire will be administered using a web based form and advertisment of the form will be done through my available contacts and making an awareness of the form through Nigerian online communities. Stage 3 Detailed statistical analysis: besides descriptive analysis, I intend to use the multinomial logit analysis to capture preferences and the Markov chain analysis for probable prediction. Stage 4 Report Writting
Stage 1 Questionnaire Design: . literature review . qestionnaire design . raising awareness of the survey among contacts and online Nigerian communities . questionnaire on the web Stage 2 Questionnaire Administration: . test run of qestionnaire with a small sample of people . questionnaire remodification if needed . raising awareness of the survey among contacts and online Nigerian communities Stage 3 Detailed statistical analysis: . Data analysis Stage 4 . Report writting and submission
The project should take 6 months
Stage 1 Questionnaire Design: 6 weeks Stage 2 Questionnaire Administration: 14 weeks Stage 3 Detailed statistical analysis: 2 weeks Stage 4 Report Writting: 2 weeks
Who are you? What makes you the best person to work on this project?
I am a Network administrator in the Centre for Management Development (CMD), Lagos, Nigeria. I work mostly with redhat linux and I have been using perl for the past 5 years and the linux shell for the past 8 years. I am presently also a member of a team working on Poverty analysis in Nigeria, a project sponsored by the United Nations University - World Institute Development Economic Research (UNU-WIDER). Here, I have gotten research experience with regards data analysis and minning. I am just completing my MBA in the University of Ibadan. My research project was "Sectoral Growth in the Nigerian Economy: A Markovian Analysis". I am inclined towards Networking, programming and research works with respect to the growth of an economy.
Well, TPF didn't provide $2,500 to fund a worldwide survey (with a better proposal, I think) it seems really hard to justify the same amount for a survey in just Nigeria.
Just in case, TPF did provide $2,500 to fund that grant.
Heh, I'm an idiot. But if we did fund the other survey, that's all the more reason not to fund this one.
Maybe the grant submitted could work with Kieren D to make sure the survey gets seen in Nigeria?
I agree with autarch, having a smaller grant that targets Nigeria with the original survey would be a much better bargain for TPF.
There is some merit in targeting Africa in a survey (i.e. improving international equity, and seeing if the needs and perceptions of perl programmers in developing countries are different to the developed world), and in terms of reaching hard to find groups, like the sample described in the proposal, it may be worthwhile for TPF to provide some additional funding to achieve this. Nigeria and South Africa would appear to be the most valuable parts of the African population to try harder to reach.
So I think that this proposal in a different form to integrate with what I'm doing would be useful. I think that any proposal to do this should be in the region of $200 to $500
Nothing to do with perl(open source, tcl, python, jquery, etc).
I'm sure perl foundation will be glad to support you depending on their possibilities, but this is not the indicated form(grants for working in projects).
Please send your, monetary support petition directly to the commite and don't forget send your email, and they will corroborate your data.