2008Q4 Grant Proposal: Moose Docs

Category: Grants

Comments (16)

This grant looks to me like an answer to my blogpost ( http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2008/07/12/object-oriented-perl/ ) concerning Object Oriented perl. :)

Specially compare to java, OO perl is a lot of work (often not very intuitive). Moose could be a solution.

However, the Moose documentation is really lacking. I hope this grant will get accepted.


I believe Dave is a good choice for this, and that it's a great proposal. Moose is a phenomenal tool, and with better documentation will be much more widely used and usable.


The one thing that I miss in Moose docs is how to use Moose with existing class hierarchies mentioning all the common solutions and gotchas. This might be trivial - but as a beginner I can attest that this is the biggest conceptual barrier.

I'd like to see this grant happen.

For example, to understand how to use "delegate" (in fact, Moose doesn't have such a keyword, and it's "handles", as is an option of "has", that Moose uses for "delegate".), I couldn't the detailed explanation about "handles" anywhere. So I had no choice but to read at least two sources, 010_attribute_delegation.t and 011_more_attr_delegation.t. It's like putting the cart before the horse.
In summary, I don't doubt that this project has worth getting grant.

Good proposal and I echo rjbs's thought that Dave is a good choice for this. I've already enjoyed his blog entries (http://blog.urth.org/2008/09/new-moose-docs-aim-to-answer-what-is-moose-and-why-moose.html) on his work for moose docs so this would just be a natural extension of that.

As the writer of a good portion of the original Moose docs (yes, you can blame me), I think this is a really good idea and Dave is the *perfect* person for the job. Not only does he understand the Moose guts extremely well (he has been responsible for the last several releases and many excellent core improvements), but he is also an accomplished writer and a MUCH better speller then I will ever be.

- Stevan

As the writer of a good portion of the original Moose docs (yes, you can blame me), I think this is a really good idea and Dave is the *perfect* person for the job. Not only does he understand the Moose guts extremely well (he has been responsible for the last several releases and many excellent core improvements), but he is also an accomplished writer and a MUCH better speller then I will ever be.

- Stevan


Agreed. Dave's documentation work is good and this is an essential for Moose I think.

As someone who would like to learn Moose (aka: a noob), I would definitely like to see this get approval.


I'm the author of the Moose Quick Ref Card. I wrote that to help myself when I was learning Moose, because the docs are not well organized and do need some beginner-facing TLC. Dave would be an excellent choice for this, and this is such a well used module system that there will be widespread benefit. I support this proposal.

Yes, this is an excellent proposal. Dave Rolsky is a good documentor and an excellent programmer and I think he would be ideal for this.

As for the idea itself, Moose is a fantastic OO system which lacks a really comprehensive documentation package. This will be a real asset to Perl 5 development.

I wholeheartedly support this proposal.

Yes! This should be the preferred way to do objects in Perl. It needs documentation so that newbies can get up to speed. Documentation for projects with legs like Moose and Mojo are only good things for the Perl community.

I have read David's Moose::Unsweetened, it is an excellent little gem, and can only say I fully support this grant and wish him Godspeed!

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